Viindoo Marketplace Platform Software

Viindoo Marketplace Platform Builder- Craft dynamic online marketplaces effortlessly with our powerful tool


 Unlimited applications

Marketplace Platform for Every Vendors

From Product, Service, to B2B, B2C Marketplaces

Product Marketplace

 Fashion, Beauty, Healthcare

 Automotive, Parts,

 Furniture, Decor


Service Marketplace

 Professional Service, Consulting

 Home service

 Finance service


B2B Marketplace

 Wholesales ordering

 Service, Product procurement

 Reseller Marketplaces


Everything you needs to launch a marketplace

Start your marketplace within a day, no coding required. Grow your business to any scale.

Merchant Management

Allows merchants to register their own accounts and the Marketplace Platform manager can perform approve those merchants.

Store Management

Allows merchants to open merchants stores and the Marketplace Platform manager can approve those merchant stores.

Product/Service Management

Allows merchants to create their products and specify which merchant stores they belong to. the Marketplace Platform manager can approve those products.

Inventory Management

Updating and tracking product inventory lists has never been easier. You just need to update the number of products you have, the system will record the product reduction when you have a sale order.

Easy Payment and Get Payment

Simplify financial transactions by offering convenient payment options and streamlined payment collection processes.

Payment and Invoices

Marketplace managers receive the money and issue invoice customers on behalf of merchants. 
After that, the software will help you synthesize the amount of money you need to return the goods to the merchant

E-Wallet Integration

Depending on the needs and policies of the exchange, accounting administrators can set up different types of e-wallets for each type of purpose, such as consumer wallets, reward wallets, etc.

These wallets will be displayed for portal users to choose and use in payments and commissions.

Commission fees for Marketplace

Collecting commission fees from opening merchant stores or from sale orders of merchants will bring revenue to businesses managing Marketplace platforms. Viindoo software allows you to easily configure these fees on the Marketplace app settings.

In addition, depending on the applicable policy, the administrator can also set up a separate set of transaction fee rules for each product group of merchants participating in trading on the Marketplace.

Manage Affiliates for Marketplace

You have affiliates participating in sales on the Marketplace platform.

With Viindoo, you will be able to track which applications are from which Affiliates and calculate and pay them the corresponding commissions.

Real-time, and intuitive reports

Fully integrated with other Viindoo applications

the all-inclusive platform you needs for business management
Viindoo POS
Viindoo MRP




Ready to experience Viindoo Marketplace platform?

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